Scowcroft on Iran
Brent Scowcroft, a former national security advisor for Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush, has written an interesting piece for The Australian that presents a different (and less belligerent) approach to the question of Iran's nuclear capabilities (link here). I definitely recommend reading the whole article, but here's the general idea of it:What is needed is an international guarantor so countries that lack an indigenous fuel-enrichment cycle would always have access to nuclear fuel. Indeed, it may be in the interests of the leading nuclear states (perhaps under the auspices of the G8) to subsidise such a program, so that no country would have an economic rationale to defy the ban and proceed with developing an indigenous fuel cycle, on the grounds that relying on the international system might prove too costly.
The program he presents is very reasonable, and seems like it could make a lot of progress toward establishing a safer world. Of course his proposal is more complicated than just what is in the quote above, so once again I recommend reading the whole thing.
Joseph Farah: Disgusting Racist
With the recent explosion of debate over immigration, somehow the magazines and newspapers of our country have become clogged with belligerent, openly racist nonsense. Now I'm no fan of those who seek to stifle free speech through enforcement of absurd "PC" standards, but this is just insane. Take Joseph Farah's article on WorldNetDaily, America the Infiltrated (link here): Every day now, it seems, hundreds of thousands of ungrateful human parasites rally in American cities condemning their host country's lack of hospitality.
They have taken advantage of loopholes in our laws by dropping babies in this country who automatically become U.S. citizens, despite the illegal entry and presence of the parents.
Brave men gave their lives for over two centuries to defend our Constitution, our independence and the right of the people to govern themselves under the rule of law. For what? So that a slow invasion over 25 years could take away everything Americans had so gallantly fought to protect?
Parasites? Dropping babies? Since when is this kind of hateful filth worthy of publication or consideration? How in hell are immigrants "[taking] away everything American's had so gallantly fought to protect"? This is possibly the most ignorant, absurd thing I've seen published in a fairly-mainstream opinion-journalism outlet in a very long time. Joseph Farah is a bigoted moron.