Unbearable Irony at Captain's Quarters
How Can He Write That With A Straight Face?
In an unbelievably hypocritical and painfully ironic post over at Captain's Quarters titled "A Bad Time To Pick A Fight", we are told that since the U.S. is in such a tense military situation throughout the globe, Washington should be careful in "picking fights":
"The US is in the middle of a fight to secure Iraq, drive the Taliban out of Afghanistan, and end Islamist terrorism. Iran won't stop developing nuclear weapons, Syria assists them in funding and supplying Hezbollah, and Lebanon can't keep control over the sub-Litani region to keep Iranian proxies from antagonizing Israel. We have few allies in the region that supplies most of the world's industrial energy.This certainly seems to be a wise stance to take in light of the current vulnerability of U.S. forces. Certainly such a repudiation of the White House's current aggressive brinkmanship with Iran should be applauded. Except for one thing... the "fight" we are being urged not to pick here has nothing to do with Iran. In fact, the folks at Captain's Quarters have been very consistent in urging a militant stance (including possible attacks) toward Iran -- in short, they have advocated "picking a fight".
Under those circumstances, one would presume that the US would choose its fights carefully..."
The fight in question here -- which allegedly threatens to harm the U.S. much more than provoking military conflict with Iran -- is a vote by Congress to recognize the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Turkish government between 1915 and 1917. To this day, the government of Turkey denies that any systematic killing by Turks occurred, in spite of massive amounts of virtually incontrovertible evidence. What has the folks at Captain's Quarters all worked up is that U.S. relations with Turkey could be soured by this recognition.
The laughable position of these people is this -- Starting war with Iran: Good. Possibly pissing off Turkey over a well-established historical fact: Bad. While it would be unquestionably disastrous to make Turkey angry, we should continue to ignore the mass of evidence that provoking conflict with Iran would lead to hugely harmful economic disturbances, horrific bloodshed in Iraq, an increase of terrorist violence throughout the world, and the final and complete obliteration of America's reputation in the world. I don't even know how a person could think, let alone write such a backwards thing without exploding from cognitive dissonance or irony or sheer stupidity.
In addition to being stupid on an epic scale, this whole argument is morally indefensible and sickening. To recap, the same conservatives who constantly remind us of how evil it is for Iranian and other Arab leaders to deny the Holocaust are now saying that, in the name of convenience, we should effectively deny the horrific genocide committed by Turkey that, as the first systematic slaughter of its kind, paved the way for the Nazi atrocities of World War II. All this in order to curry favor with a regime that has consistently mocked and belittled the victims of this atrocity for almost a century by denying that it even happened.
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