Feingold vs. Reality
Senator Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) will ask Senate to censure the president for his role in establishing the unconstitutional and illegal NSA eavesdropping program. Quoth Feingold: "The president must be held accountable for authorizing a program that clearly violates the law and then misleading the country about its existence and its legality." (story here)
Held accountable? Oh Feingold you silly, naive man, that isn't how things work here in America. Bush can do whatever he wants, and never be held accountable. In fact, the only thing he's been held accountable for so far was (gasp) not being sufficiently racist, anti-Muslim and xenophobic for the American people, by supporting the Dubai Ports World deal. I guess someone has to point out that the emperor has no clothes, but sadly, anyone who points out the obvious truth just ends up looking silly doing it. Yes, sadly, this country is that far gone.
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