Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"Media Operations that Traffic in Defamation"

Over at his website, Bill O'Reilly has a new list of "media operations that traffic in defamation" (link here). Although the list of "worst offenders" is only 3 "operations" long as of now, O'Reilly is saying that he plans to add others to the list. Currently making the cut are The St. Petersburg Times, The New York Daily News, and MSNBC. Of course there is no evidence given of any wrongdoing on the part of these media outlets, just a request for visitors to not patronize those sources or advertisers that work with them. I am not necessarily defending these media outlets, however the absurdity of this highlights O'Reilly's enormous ego -- that he expects others to condemn these news outlets just because he puts their names on a list, without even a hint of evidence of their acts of "defamation".

I am actually most surprised that Media Matters isn't on the list (yet), since O'Reilly is a favorite target of theirs, and also since Bill has come up with at least 20 ways to call them liars ("smear merchants", "defamers", etc).


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